Flush Arcade
Technology Writer - Flush Arcade
Flush Arcade is a online platform, with written news about gaming, technology news, networking, mobile applications and mobile tech.
Below is a list of produced work for Flush Arcade
iPhone 6 first impressions – http://flusharcade.com/iphone-6s-and-6s-plus-launch-and-initial-thoughts/
EB Expo Wrap-up – http://flusharcade.com/hands-on-eb-expo-2015/
Xamarin acquires RoboVM – http://flusharcade.com/cross-platform-giant-xamarin-acquires-robovm/
What the TPP means for Tech Users – http://flusharcade.com/details-of-the-tpp-are-out-what-does-it-mean-for-tech-users/
Light-Transmitted Wi-fi – http://flusharcade.com/2605-2/
Project M – http://flusharcade.com/googles-projecm-google-glass/